Looking for Hootsuite Alternatives? We Have Your Answer!

Paul Baccaro

October 21, 2022

social media scheduler

When you’re looking for an automated social media scheduler, you want one with the right options at the right price.

That’s a no-brainer.

But it’d also help if the company you hire understands your core business, so your posts focus on specific ways you can help potential customers.

If you’re searching for Hootsuite alternatives, you’ve probably already checked out the company and wondered if there’s a better way for you and your agency.

Social Jazz is more than a Hootsuite alternative–we are a social media company that serves the needs of the insurance industry. We consult with a team of subject matter experts, who make sure all of our posts are both accurate and relevant to your business.

As we grow, we plan to offer the same service to optometrists, real estate agents, and the HVAC industry. They’re usually relatively small enterprises—tight ships, as they say—that would appreciate the leads generated by a knowledgeable social media scheduler. 

We have no interest in being everyone’s answer to social media marketing. We want to stay focused on distinct fields, so we can learn as much as possible about our customers as well as their customers. 

To put it another way, we want to be a deep company, not a shallow one.

For instance, we would never violate regulations and put out a Facebook post that gives purchasing advice for health insurance. That conversation should be had between an insurance agent and a client. Our duty is to connect and inform.

By cultivating a thorough understanding of your business, we seek to distinguish ourselves from the competition.

Hootsuite and Hootsuite alternatives

To be fair, Hootsuite provides a range of options for small agencies. The company offers social network integration and a long list of applications. There are reasons why it’s the best-known social management tool available.

However, there are some drawbacks:

  • Add-ons can get expensive.
  • The best features aren’t available in smaller plans.
  • Bigger plans include complicated features. 
  • It lacks advanced automation capabilities.

At Social Jazz, we’re laser-focused on getting your message out with very little work on your part. Our $99 and $199 per month plans include automatic publishing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Our system is designed for ease of use. To achieve that, we have three engines:

  • Scheduling Engine: You go through our catalog and choose what to post.
  • Branding Engine: It includes your logo and colors on almost every post.
  • Publishing engine: Your content is automatically posted at peak times throughout the year.

To get your social media message out in an effective manner, your posts have to be consistent as well as professional. Social Jazz makes the process easy, which is something to consider when looking for Hootsuite alternatives.

Hootsuite alternatives

Content Creation

Hootsuite does many things well, but it doesn’t create content for your specific industry. As a Hootsuite alternative for the insurance industry, we make it our mission to understand our clients’ businesses as best we can.

Our subject matter experts tell us what’s important for insurance agents to post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. That way, we can craft messages more likely to generate meaningful leads.

As mentioned, we’re trying to set ourselves apart from other Hootsuite alternatives by specializing in the businesses we serve.

Our catalog is filled with potential posts for insurance agencies, and we’re working with different experts to bring other businesses online:

  • HVAC
  • Eye Care
  • Real Estate

The content we create on your behalf isn’t for everyone, but it could be for you and your agency.

Calendar Building

So our scheduling engine builds a calendar for you. You go through our catalog, make some choices, and the rest is automated. It’s a simple, straightforward process designed to take as much of the job out of your hands as possible.

If you go to Hootsuite, you’ll have to build your calendar. That means you’ll be clicking on the days you want to post and digging through their archive to find curated content to post.

At Social Jazz, we plan things out for you. We also send you an email that details the posts to come in the following week. If you want to add different posts, that’s easily doable but certainly not necessary.

Customized Design

Branding is crucial when you’re building or expanding a business. You want your message to be consistent while also showing you in the right light.

In a crowded social media market, users are exposed to new content every day. With the right branding, you stand out and, over time, build a base of loyal customers.

If Hootsuite is handling your social media, then you’ll need to work with a designer to create branded content. That could be someone on staff if you have any art majors on the team, or you could hire an outside business to create branded content.

At Social Jazz, you provide your logo and colors, and our Branding Engine does the rest.

Let’s say we have a post in our catalog that features someone in a red hat, but your main color is green. When that post goes out to potential customers, the hat will be green.

We make it easy for you to be you on social media.

Hootsuite alternatives


To be fair, Hootsuite has more functionality when it comes to analytics. You’re also able to more easily engage with users through direct messaging. Hootsuite overflows with features, and if you have the time and energy to learn how to make the most out of them, it could be the company for you.

At Social Jazz, we decided to approach things differently. We believe in usability. We’re passionate about creating products that don’t require a bunch of training or long lists of instructions.

We want you to be able to jump right in on Day 1 and be able to figure everything out. No learning curve is needed.

This is a trade-off. The increased functionality available from Hootsuite makes social media more complex. 

Social Jazz believes in the K.I.S.S. Principle: Keep it Simple and Social (Jazz). 

The solutions we make for you are industry specific and created with the help of subject matter experts. We don’t want to be all things to all people.

Let’s put it another way: In a world where Hootsuite alternatives try to be Swiss Army knives, we’re proud to be a steak knife, so you can savor all that tasty flavor more quickly. 

Trusted Authority

Businesses post on social media in the hopes of attracting new customers. And, quite frankly, social media users are interested in learning about companies through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Users make buying decisions every day based on what they discover in their feeds.

When you’re online, you’re building your brand, and you’re building trust. Everything you post should reinforce the overall message that you know exactly what you’re talking about when it comes to the insurance business.

If you go with Hootsuite, you have to craft and curate those messages for yourself. Or you’ll need to trust a third party to develop those posts.

If you go with Social Jazz, rest assured that we’ve done our research on your behalf.

Hootsuite and other Hootsuite alternatives can serve car dealers, shoe stores, chicken restaurants, Star Wars memorabilia dealers, and every other business under the sun.

We’re here for insurance agents, and we’re growing to represent HVAC, eye care, and real estate professionals. 

Our mission will always be tightly focused on making sure you’re seen as the trusted authority.    

If you want to compare us to other Hootsuite alternatives out there, please accept this open invitation to try our services for free. Thank you, and have a good day.